About the Book

Invention, research, and a thirst for progress fueled the academic environments of the Victorian world. In this story, a scientist has moved to the mountains of Colorado in order to discover a feature of silver that would allow it to recover from both the bimetallism decisions and the value-crushing Coinage Act of 1873.

Our scientist, Nathan, is confident that a careful application of pure silver (among other elements) will allow him to capture and analyze a human soul. When his experiments reach a crescendo, and his wife’s life is at stake, Nathan finds himself quite unprepared for the outcome. An ancient earth-spirit waits nearby to add to his consternation.

A century later, two sisters come to the depleted mining town in the hopes of owning and running a bed and breakfast.

The house they choose used to belong to our intrepid scientist.
They chose it specifically because it was rumored to be haunted.
They had no idea just how haunted it would turn out to be.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Book Signing! The First!

Mark Your Calendars, Kids!  I'm sure there will be another one closer to the Denver area for saturday morning... still working on that.  BUT for you locals out there, I'll be doing a signing as follows:

August 31
@ The Majestic Gallery
1636 Miner Street, Idaho Springs CO, 80452
Shenannigans begin at 1:00

I look forward to seeing you there!  And/Or elsewhere as your schedule permits. 
Don't be shy.  I'm more than plenty shy enough for all of us!

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I can't wait to hear from you. Unless you are mean. Then I hope the zombies get you.